Excel add-in vouching system “Genial AI”, has begun API integration with “freee accounting”.


Enables everything from evidence import to automatic vouching with a single click.

Excel add-in vouching system "Genial AI", has begun API integration with "freee accounting”.

Genial Technology (located in Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa; CEO: Aki Abegawa) announces that its vouching system for audit firms, “Genial AI,” has implemented API integration functions with the cloud accounting software “freee accounting” provided by freee K.K. (Head Office: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Daisuke Sasaki).

Overview of “Genial AI” x “freee Accounting” API Linkage

“Genial AI” is an Excel add-in that improves the efficiency of verification work by associating Excel lines and related documents, and presenting the semantic match between cell data and document data. It recognizes documents, matches them with Excel data, and links the Excel lines to the documents, then presents them to the user.

With this API linkage, it can directly import supporting document files from freee accounting on Genial AI and perform automatic reconciliation. This makes it possible to complete the entire matching process on Excel, freeing the user from the hassle of checking documents while switching between Excel and a browser using the freee accounting preview function. In addition, the matching cells are automatically highlighted, eliminating the need to search for documents with a magnifying glass in freee accounting.

How to link “Genial AI” and freee accounting

  1. Apply: Sign up for Genial AI and apply for API integration.
  2. Log in: Log in to freee accounting on Genial AI and select your client.
  3. Execute: After linking evidence files into Genial AI, the files will be automatically imported to Genial AI, and the matching transaction data will be highlighted.

Development Background

Genial AI is a system that can reconcile accounting data (Excel files) with evidence files (PDF files and image files). However, it takes a lot of time and effort to log in to free accounting and download evidence files for transactions. To solve this issue, we have developed API functions for one-click linkage for freee accounting users.

■ Contact
For inquiries regarding this matter, please use the contact form below.

For more information about “Genial AI,” click here.
■ Service website: https://www.genialtech.io/genialai/
■ Download materials including service overview: https://www.genialtech.io/genialai/document-request/

Outline of Genial Technology

Genial Technology develops and offers audit tool “Genial AI” series, with the mission of “AI for the more effective auditing” to reduce the burden on the auditors and allow them to focus on tasks that require human ingenuity and judgement.

  • Company name: K.K. Genial Technology
  • Established: 2019
  • Location: Sunny Plaza Hiratsuka 3F, 8-16 Beniya-cho, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
  • Representative: Aki Abekawa
  • URL: https://corp.genialtech.io/en/

* Genial Technology and GenialAI are registered trademarks of Genial Technology Corporation.
* Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
