Genial Technology Made Pitch in Meetup Session


We are pleased to announce that Genial Technology Corporation (CEO: Aki Abekawa, hereafter referred to as “Genial”) participated in “Meetup Session” produced by Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support (DTVS).

The event was held online on December 15, 2022. Four companies, including Genial, participated in the event, where representatives from each company received advice from venture capitalists and media mentors on how to raise funds and how to proceed with hiring.

Meetup Session Attendees

■About Meetup Session

Meetup Session is a new type of pitch event for seed and early-stage startups that combines a “pitch event” with “business mentoring” and is held every Thursday at 7:00 PM. Unlike most pitch events, which tend to be a one-way presentation, Meetup Session focuses on feedback based on various perspectives from mentors who are experts in their respective fields. The goal of the Meetup Session is to support the participating startups and help them grow.

The Meetup Session consists of the following two sessions.

[Pitch Session]

  • Business pitches from entrepreneurs to the audience
  • Entrepreneurs share with the audience the issues they wish to discuss
  • Q&A session from the audience to the entrepreneurs

[Mentoring Session]

  • Investors (Fundraising Mentoring)
  • Media (Public relations mentoring)
  • Accelerators (Business development mentoring)

From Genial, President Abekawa took the stage and made a presentation on “Genial AI”, which automates the audit process called “vouching” under the mission of “AI for more effective auditing”.
The term “vouching” refers to a procedure of verifying facts and records by checking transactional records against other documents that serve as evidence.

■Details of the Meetup Session

Organizer: Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support (DTVS)
Date and time: Every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m.
Speakers: 4 companies each week, 2 expert mentors
Total number of speakers: Over 300 companies
Cumulative number of events: Approximately 150

■ Genial Technology

Genial Technology offers Genial AI, a self-learning audit tool that automates vouching, with the mission of “AI for the more effective auditing” to reduce the burden on the auditors and allow them to focus on tasks that require human ingenuity and judgement.
While there has been some progress in the development of tools to improve operational efficiency in the audit through the use of technology, the majority of these tools currently rely only on visual checks. Using AI-OCR, GenialAI can read purchase orders, shipping documents, invoices, and other documents that are the basis of accounting records, and automatically match them with sales and other data, thereby automating vouching procedures.
Genial Technology is developing a product that will greatly automate audit operations.

■ Company Overview

Company name: K.K. Genial Technology
Established: July 1, 2019
Location: 3F Sunny Plaza Hiratsuka, 8-16 Beniya-cho, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan
Representative: Aki Abekawa
