GenialAI joined Monthly Pitch #55


Aki Abekawa, Founder and CEO of Genial Technology, introduced GenialAI and the business ideas on January 12 at Monthly Pitch #55 held by Cyberagent Capital at Abema Towers in Shibuya, Japan.

In this pitch event, eight startups including Genial Technology presented how attractive their businesses are to approximately fifty investors. As the number of COVID-19 cases stays low, the event took a first step forward in 2022 on the online and offline hybrid mode after a long online-only period.

For more information on Genial Technology’s GenialAI™ Audit, please visit:

Genial Technology offers software for automating audit procedures, including accounting data cleansing and the exchange of audit documents between an auditor and its client, using technologies like cloud computing and AI.

Genial Technology and GenialAI are among the trademarks of Genial Technology. The term “Genial Technology” refers to Genial Technology, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
