Genial Technology CEO Abekawa Introduced GenialAI at the 16th Annual Small and Mid-Size Audit Firm IT Community Conference


Mr. Abekawa, CEO of Genial Technology, introduced GenialAI to small and medium-sized audit firms at the “16th IT Community Conference for Small and Medium-sized Audit Firms” held on July 9, 2024, hosted by the Special Committee on IT Support for Small and Medium-sized Firms, Policy Research Committee of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA).

■Conference Outline

The “IT Community Conference for Small and Mid-Sized Firms” regularly discusses how IT infrastructure should be developed and how to support small and medium-sized firms in developing IT-based audit tools in light of future cybersecurity measures.

■Presentation Highlights

Abekawa gave a presentation on the following items

  1. Features of GenialAI
  2. Information Security System
  3. Demonstration
    1. Voucing
    2. Text clip
    3. Table Clip
    4. freee Accounting Linkage
    5. Functions to be released in the future
  4. Questions and Answers

There was a high level of interest in information security measures for small and medium-sized audit firms at the meeting.

■Future Outlook

While the use of technology to improve operational efficiency in accounting audits is attracting attention on a global scale, there has been a certain amount of progress in the development of tools that contribute to this effort, but at present, most of these tools still rely on visual checks.

With the mission of “AI for more useful auditing,” Genial Technology will continue to develop “GenialAI,” an Excel add-in product that will greatly automate audit, so that auditors can focus on tasks that require human ingenuity and judgement by reducing the burden on the audit site with AI.
