The company plans to introduce “Genial AI,” an Excel add-in vouching automation tool, which is under development
K.K. Genial Technology (CEO: Aki Abekawa) will appear on a podcast program “Newstar” focusing on seed and early phase startup entrepreneurs distributed by forStartups, Inc. (head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yuichiro Shimizu) on Tuesday, April 11 and Thursday, April 13, 2023.
The podcast program “Newstar” is composed of two parts: “Radio Pitch,” in which two startup entrepreneurs are invited to introduce their services and businesses in a Q&A format with the navigator leading the discussion, and “Mixed Talk,” in which a dialogue between the entrepreneurs takes a deeper look into the entrepreneurs’ side.
* Radio Pitch” will be broadcast every Tuesday and “Mixed Talk” on Thursdays.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/41nBdP2ulVQ4dLylxQEJck
※今後はApple PodcastやAmazon Musicなど主要な音声メディアプラットフォームで配信を予定しております。
Kentaro Nagata, CEO, ALGO ARTIS CORPORATION and Aki Abekawa, CEO, K.K. Genial Technology will appear on the program. K.K. Genial technology is going to make an introduction of “GenialAI”, an add-in product which users install in Excel and discuss the background of the development and use cases for accounting firms and general companies.
番組ナビゲーター:森 心之介氏、近藤 颯人氏、鈴木 聡子氏
Genial Technology offers ジーニアルAI, a self-learning audit tool that automates vouching, with the mission of “AI for the more useful audit” to reduce the burden on the auditors and allow them to focus on more “human” tasks.
株式会社ジーニアルテクノロジーは、現行製品の「ジーニアルAI for Web」から機能を大幅に見直し、監査業務を大幅に自動化するプロダクトを目指してExcelアドイン製品の開発を進めています。
所在地:神奈川県平塚市紅谷町8-16 サニープラザ平塚3階
代表者:阿部川 明優(あべかわ あきまさ)
URL: https://corp.genialtech.io/