Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub に採択されました
We are pleased to announce that Genial Technology has been selected by Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”) for “Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub”, a program offered by Microsoft to help startups succeed in scaling up.

■Microsoft for Startups Founders Hubについて
Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub is Microsoft’s global startup support program that operates in more than 140 countries around the world. The program supports startups with innovative technologies and services in a wide range of areas from service launch to customer acquisition, thereby encouraging the growth of startup businesses on a global scale.
Startups selected for the program will receive access to Microsoft’s powerful technologies, including the cloud service Azure, as well as dedicated resources for business expansion through Microsoft’s partner network.
Microsoft for Startups Founders Hubの概要:
Genial Technology offers Genial AI, a self-learning audit tool that automates vouching, with the mission of “AI for more effective auditing” to reduce the burden on the auditors and allow them to focus on tasks that require human ingenuity and judgment.
株式会社ジーニアルテクノロジーは、現行製品の「ジーニアルAI for Web」から機能を大幅に見直し、監査業務を大幅に自動化するプロダクトを目指してExcelアドイン製品の開発を進めています。
所在地:神奈川県平塚市紅谷町8-16 サニープラザ平塚3階
代表者:阿部川 明優(あべかわ あきまさ)